Thursday, December 1, 2011

Captain vs The Cold

Just had a lovely flurry of activity listing new items on my Etsy page. Whilst making soup. Ah the joys of multi-tasking.

So I've been a bit in demand the past few weeks with custom orders, which is possibly one of my favourite things in the world. It's quite egotistical really, however I'm not usually one to blow my own trumpet so somehow having someone like what I do enough to ask for an item just for them is a nice little confidence boost. Toot toot.

First there was the pigeon pillow which literally flew all the way to Canada:

And then a couple of orders for personalised fabric baby blocks:

So much happy!

And just as well I've had the happy sewing to distract me from the bleedin' cold. I don't mean like the common cold. I mean the temperature in my flat has been dropping to alarmingly low levels, and being the miser/mentalist I am, I've been resisting putting my heating on. It all started in October when I thought that to save myself some pennies, I would not put my heating on til November. And then I got to November and really thought I was doing ok and reckoned I might being able to make it to December...

Which I have! I've now entered some kind of stubborn/self-righteous zone where I just can't bring myself to get the boiler fired up. Meanwhile, things are getting desperate. Yesterday I was wearing a blanket as a dress and today I'm wearing four pairs of socks.


  1. :) found you from the Etsy Team! Hello! nice little blogspot, off to visit your shop...x

  2. Thank you! I had a good look at your blog+shop too, lovely! :) x
